by Alan Tran | May 28, 2020 | News
UNITED STATES PARKOUR ASSOCIATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR REOPENING SAFELY OPERATING THROUGH COVID-19 2020 MAY 28TH – 09:15AM EDT Download COVID-19 has been devastating to many parkour gyms and businesses. Most organizations have had to reorganize services and strategies...
by USPK | May 14, 2020 | News
UNITED STATES PARKOUR ASSOCIATION OUR GENEROUS DONORS 2020 MAY 14TH – 4:00PM EDT The United States Parkour Association is grateful to the parkour community for their community support. The Association acknowledges the generosity of our JUMPSTART Businesses and...
by Alan Tran | May 11, 2020 | News
UNITED STATES PARKOUR ASSOCIATION USPK JOINS PARKOUR EARTH 2020 MAY 11TH – 10:00AM EDT A strategic partnership joins the United States Parkour Association with Parkour Earth’s federations in support of transparent governance, driving further international...
by Mark Toorock | May 4, 2020 | Editorials, News
UNITED STATES PARKOUR ASSOCIATION EDITORIAL – SHOULD I TAKE THE PPP LOAN? Answer: It depends In times of crisis, it’s a challenge for most people to say “no” to money, but if you are the type to “Rob Peter to pay Paul” then taking...