Recap of our first ever Nationals in 2023

We at USPK had a vision to unite parkour leagues and regions in the country to create a true national structure to crown US champions. After two years of brainstorming and coordinating gyms across the country, we finally made it happen.

In total we coordinated six different regions which were split by geographical regions across the country. Within our National circuit, six different regions ran over 25 events, which filtered into our National competition hosted at Apex in Denver, CO. At our Nationals, the top athletes part from around the country competed in the disciplines of Style, Speed, and Skill. We took it one step further by funneling our top athletes into the Sport Parkour League — recognized as one of the world’s largest international parkour competitions. This was an exciting advancement in the growth of competitive parkour in our country.


Highlights of the USPK National 2023:

  • Over seventy unique individuals competed:
    • 14 women, 22 men in speed
    • 11 women, 20 men in skill
    • 11 women, 21 men in style
  • Improved women’s participation (USPK National = 28% women and 72% men)
  • 16 USPK athletes qualified for Sport Parkour Leage (SPL2)
  • Athletes and Judges Advisory Committees formed to put decision-making directly in athletes and stakeholders hands


Regional Circuits

We have created six regions that includes every part of the US. Regional circuits run from ~January to June with multiple competitions throughout the season ending with a Regional final. The top athletes in each region qualify for the our National competition to compete with other athletes across the country. Each region has designated regional coordinators who recruit gyms and organize regional qualifiers as well as running their regional final at the end of their season. Starting this year, athletes are required to be a USPK member to participate in their regional final and compete at the National competition. The top athletes in each category and division of each region will qualify for our National competition.


Northeast League


Southwest League

Nationals 2024

After 2023’s resounding success, we are looking forward to continued growth! Mark your calenders for our next Nationals competition that will be on July 11-14th 2024. This year, we are looking forward to growing and improving our competition circuit to provide more opportunities for both our athletes and gyms involved. The volunteers on our athletes and judges committees have worked hard to update our rulebook for this competition year (linked below). This year, we are doing outreach to corporate sponsorship, to continue to grow outside funding into the sport. Please note that this year, it will be required for athletes who wish to compete at our regional finals or the USPK National to be an individual member ( We look forward to another exciting year of uniting parkour athletes, gyms and circuits across the country. Thank you for being a part of our community!

Get Involved with USPK


Are you an athlete who is passionate about growing and improving the competition opportunities for the parkour community? Learn more about our Judges & Athlete committees by emailing

Parkour Gyms

Do you own a parkour gym and are interested in hosting a Nationals competition? Every year, we have an open bidding process to any and all parkour gym owners around the country. In general this time frame will be ~6 months before our National competition. Subscribe to our emails and social media to stay up to date with our announcements.

Affliate Brands & Sponsors

Whether you own a business related to parkour or not, let’s chat!  If you are a business who is interested in becoming a fiscal sponsor of USPK, check out our sponsor tiers (click to download) and contact us at If you are a business interested in learning more about becoming an affiliate partner, please contact the same email above.


If you are someone who feels called to support our vision in this competition circuit, we welcome you to volunteer at our National competition or any of our regional qualifiers and finals. As a non-profit and community run org, we really appreciate community members who volunteer their time to help our competitions run smoothly with less overhead costs. Each year, the National competiton will be in a different location. Contact to inquire. 


USPK Ruleset

(Click to Download)

Competition Placards & Signage

(Click to Download)

Trans Inclusion Policy

(Click to Download)

Judges & Athlete Committees

Interested in joining either our Judges or Athletes committee? Email us at

Have any questions about our competition circuit?

Reach out to