Check out the newest version of our USPK Competition Rulebook!

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Our Judges & Athletes Advisory Committee is composed of active members of the competition parkour community. They have graciously volunteered their time and energy to create guidelines within our competition circuit maximize safety and equity while measuring and pushing the boundaries of our sport. The following rules were created based on a culmination of their professional parkour competition knowledge and experience.

Current USPK Competition Committee

● Payton Hanna (Chair)

● Christopher Hollingsworth(Secretary)

● Cai Garcia(Delegate)

● Frank Mejia (Committee Member)

● AlanTran (BoardMember)

● Mel McQueen( BoardMember/EventCoordinator)

Special thanks to Seth Rujiraviriyapinyo, Tom Coppola, Brandon Douglass and Dylan Polin for their guidance and direction on the early drafts of this rulebook. Stay tuned for more information about the USPK Judges & Athletes Committee and thank you for being a part of our community!